


To establish and maintain a school dedicated to providing the best possible environment within which to nurture the intellectual, 情感, 精神上的 and physical 开发ment of each student; to aid students attending the school to achieve academic excellence in preparation for higher education, 并向他们灌输强烈的道德感, ethics and social responsibility so that they may eventually attain their highest potential as human beings; to offer a challenging and demanding curriculum which will stress the importance of religious values and will provide comprehensive programs in the sciences, arts and athletics; and to promote the moral and 精神上的 values of the Christian tradition as professed by the 圣公会 Church.


成立于1960年, 棋牌游戏大全 is a Pre-K through grade 12 co-educational private, 圣公会走读学校位于 佛罗里达州坦帕市. Berkeley educates the whole child by nurturing students’ intellectual, 情感, 精神上的, and physical 开发ment so they may attain their highest potential. Our philosophy encompasses a balanced curriculum of academics and arts, 俱乐部及活动, 竞技体育, 以及社区服务. An emphasis on academic excellence combined with a spirit of social responsibility sparks in students newfound confidence and a shared sense of purpose. Students exchange ideas, study virtues, and explore ethics as they define their attitudes and values.
A 多样化的 student population brings many cultures together, 在一个安全的论坛上促进传统的分享. 通过对世界宗教的正式研究, 每天会, 以及同行之间丰富而开放的讨论, students learn to respect their heritage along with the customs of their neighbors. Students are better prepared to embrace this diversity in our global world.

Our graduates are well-rounded individuals who have excelled in the lessons of character and learned the values of discipline, 勤奋, 和完整性. They leave Berkeley with open minds to find the future awaits them with open doors. 


校长:约瑟夫·W. Seivold


低年级-幼稚园至五年级: 430
中组组- 6至8年级: 345
高年级- 9-12年级: 645
女生占比: 51%
男生占比: 49%


创立年份: 1960
棋牌游戏平台的吉祥物: 的海盗
学校的颜色: 蓝与白
联系: 圣公会
成立于1960年, 棋牌游戏平台是独立的, 圣公会, 位于坦帕的大学预备走读学校, FL, 适用于从幼儿园到12年级的男孩和女孩. Approximately 1,400 students gather here from the greater Tampa Bay area to form ONE Berkeley.